Friday, February 1, 2013

Signs & Wonders #1 - Microblogging

or Tumblr, for now.

I logged into my Tumblr account that I had created a couple of years ago and found a single audio clip. It was a female voice announcing the "end of the line" from when I used to commute to Mountain View by train. Quasi artsy? Check. Emo twee-dom? Check. But I'm only partly to blame.

The platform itself is designed to be a pseudo creative outlet for people who do not want to put in the effort into forming coherent, original  thoughts and converting that to composition. You can add quotes, share pictures, videos & links. Oh you want to write a couple of paragraphs? Fuck you. I get it, this is where the "micro" in microblogging comes in, but that will also end up being the size of your brain. Designed and maintained for people who'd rather quote Mark Twain than read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

I'm not above watching a youtube video of car collisions in Russia, but it at least doesn't pretend to be something it's not - a waste of time.

In trying to expand my mustard sized attention-span thanks to sites like Huf Post, anything on Tumblr, etc., I quit reading all of their content about a year ago. Here's some of what I've been reading lately:

Next step - quit and find a half-decent american news source.

The CEO and founder of Tumblr looks like this:
Now I'm even more certain.