Sunday, March 18, 2012

E-mail Succinctness

or more specifically, 'work' e-mail succinctness.
Hi John,

I'm writing to let you know some of my observations regarding the web app you deployed on Wednesday. I noticed that the ruler on the left hand side is a bit farther than I thought it should be. It's not a big deal for now, but it's something I'd like to keep in the pipeline of things to fix. There's also the content itself. Did you receive the lates XML feed of content that Patricia said she would create? I'm wondering about this because I'm not seeing the latest content on the web page. This is something that should get corrected ASAP. I would also like you to come up with a plan to leverage the time we have left to best transfer the knowledge of the code you've written to Tim and Jim.

Billy Bob

I'll let the erudite Mr. Carlin express my thoughts:

Now here's what you DO:


Please address the following prioritized items:
  • The latest content is not being displayed on the site. Please work with Patricia to diagnose and solve the problem.
  • Come up with a Knowledge Transfer plan that includes Jim & Tim.
  • The left ruler line is too far off. Please fix it.

-Billy Bob

So, how is the second e-mail better?
  • No salutation. Lose the "hi", "hey", "dear" (*shudder*) etc. It's unnecessary.
  • It creates a list of tasks.
  • It prioritizes the list of tasks.
  • It's tight with no fluff.
  • It does not include shit like "ASAP". If you need to use these acronyms, then you don't trust your employees to do the work they are assigned. You should really be reconsidering your hiring strategy instead of writing long winded e-mails.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think you need to mention the name lest you appear too much like the T-1000.

    2. To many people, direct == rude. My choice of salutation (or lack thereof) is based on my gauge of the recipient's self-confidence (or lack thereof).

    3. (Hmm didn't mean to delete that original comment)

  2. Taking it a step further.. Why email at all? Just use IM. And, why spell out words either?

    1. IM is too intrusive. I like being able to deal with the tasks at my own pace.
